How to Live A Life With Meaning

The mantra I live by is ‘be the difference, that makes the difference’.

When my time is up, I would like to leave confidently knowing that I have lived a life that meant something, that I made a difference in peoples lives and that I have left a great legacy behind.

Therefore I try to make each day count, I am mindful during my interactions with others and I certainly know life is never guaranteed. It can be cut short at any moment in time.

So how can you, live a meaningful life;

  • Donate to charity or volunteer your time or expertise to a cause

  • Do something that gives you a sense of purpose for work

  • Find something you are passionate about. Something that puts fire in your belly

  • Be grateful - write or discuss the three things you are grateful for each day

  • Question yourself regularly - Questions like - are I on track? What is the legacy I am leaving behind? What is my life’s testimony?

  • Have a go at writing your own eulogy - how do you want to be remembered?

  • Be true to yourself - work through your pain. Do not numb it with drugs, alcohol or other addictions. Take off any masks you wear

  • Do not get distracted by social media or what others may think of you. It is none of your business

  • Read books such as The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

  • Take a listen to The Tony Robbins Podcast which is full of inspiration

  • Ask yourself - how can I be of use today?

  • When you walk into your room, consider how can I make someone’s day better?


In what ways do you make your life fulfilling and meaningful? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.