December 2020 In Hindsight

December was a great end to the year. Full of lots of laughs at school and at home. It was nice to have celebrations with friends and have time to relax. My boyfriend had time off over Christmas and will have another week in the new year which has been really great because it means lots has been done on the house! Plus I love his company.

So my month of December looked something like this…

Listened to - 

* Commune with Jeff Krasno Podcast

* The Awake With Jake Show Podcast

* SBS Chill Radio on TV

* Mind Body Musings with Maddy Moon

* The Lavendaire Lifestyle

* Created December Tunes Playlist on my Spotify


 Read - 

* The Woods by Harlan Coben

* Grimsdon by Deborah Abela

* Single White Monk by Shozan Jack Haubner

* Plantopedia by Lauren Camilleri

* The Year That Changed Everything by Cathy Kelly


Splurged on - 

* 4 new coffee cups from Salt&Pepper

Watching - 

* My nephew and niece at swimming lessons

* The Witches movie with my niece


Went to - 

* Lazer Tag with my nephews

* Bornia Kitchen for Christmas dinner with my bff

* Bush Fire Christmas Breakfast

* See my nephew off for his Year 6 Farewell

* School Christmas Party

* Christmas Eve dinner at my parents with my family

* Christmas Day lunch with my boyfriend and his family

* Lunch for my boyfriend’s cousins daughters 18th at Atura

Booked - 

* a night staying at the Novotel in North Wollongong


Cooked - 

* Rocky road, Chocolate brownies, Lemon Meringue Tarts, Vanilla cupcakes

* Seafood pots and couscous, Kransiky salad paninis, Dumplings and vegetables, Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill crepes, Quinoa salad


What's new - 

* Completed Blogmas - a new blog post each day in the lead up to Christmas

* Home improvements - jackhammered the tiles from upstairs verandah due to leak coming down into the kitchen. Waterproofing ripped up and new sheets installed and waterproofed. A huge project for my boyfriend. Took 6 days in total. Now ready for tiling. Got fly screen quotes for four windows and two security doors. Glass bricks waterproofed and sealed in the bathroom. Patched the hole where my boyfriend’s leg came through the roof. Changed downlights that were not working. Installed sheeting in the bathroom ready for waterproofing. Just need to find a shower base to go in.

* Cleared out all the kitchen cupboards, cupboards under the stairs, bathroom cupboard and the front room. Donated lots and listed more for sale. I am going to make a conscious effort to use up what we have before buying more.

* Read 37 books this year. Didn’t quite make my Goodreads Reading Challenge this year of 40 books. So close.

* I have photos I offer for free to download and use on the Pexels website and they are doing really well. I have been meaning to put more up but haven’t got around to it yet. I received my first donation from someone who liked my photos. $2US in the kitty. Woohoo!

* I lost my foot spa this month. I have had it for eight years and it finally blew up. It had enough. There is nothing like a good foot soak and massage. Will be looking for a new one in 2021.


Looking for - 

* a new perfume


Sold -

* silver dresser knobs, set of 100 cookie cutters, foam roller, large crochet doilies, cutlery set, crystal sherry glasses, Nintendo 64 game, motorbike gloves, travel kids books, dog grooming kit, large artwork, and a magazine rack.

* designed affirmation cards for my website and I sold one lot. No better feeling than receiving the email to say you sold a product!


Started - 

* planning our road trip across America when we can finally travel again.

Attempting to -

* keep writing on my blog every day until I run out of things to say. I did an 85-day writing streak before having three days off over Christmas.

* clear my phone. It is near its memory limit so going through photos and videos I don’t need

How was December for you? Was it a good end to the year. We would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel welcome to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here