Vegan Easy Challenge

This month, I signed up to take part in the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge for no other reason than to make healthier life choices.

If you would like to join me, you can sign up here. There are Facebook groups to join and plant-based recipes that are sent via email each day.

So as I make small changes to my diet, I do feel better because of it. I have been;

  • swapping milk out for soy or oat milk - I have done this for a while now and it definitely agrees with my body

  • try to eat fish two times a week - this includes Meat-free Monday

  • my dinners are mainly a mix up between salmon, fish, tuna, other seafood, tofu, or simply just vegetables

  • my lunches are usually a salad

  • menus highlight now the vegetarian meals which makes it super easy for ordering when out

  • I bought the Kindness Vegan Cookbook which has awesome plant-based recipes

Do you try to have some vegan days? What small changes have you made to your diet? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.