2021 Stats

It is that time again to share how my Laura The Explaura blog went over the past year. It is always an exciting feeling that I look forward to, of going back over the year and seeing the way things panned out. Seeing that the hard work I put in does pay off and that people are actually interested in what I have to say.

This is my third year of blog writing and creating content and I am very happy to report that all my stats have doubled just about. Looking forward to seeing what I can bring this year in 2022.

So out of interest sake, I thought I would share;


I had 6,100 visitors to my site over the year, that’s double last year! My personal blogging goal for the year was to reach 500 readers a month and I was able to gain that after five months and sustain that and more throughout the rest of the year, which was a huge achievement.

I wrote 240 posts and had 8800 page views.

The majority of my audience continues to come directly through my Facebook page as well as Google searches.


My blog had readers from 99 countries, with the top three the same as last year; Australia, USA, and the UK.

Popular Content

People come to my site mostly for teaching articles this year, then travel, then true self articles.

My featured profiles each month continue to be a popular read and I always enjoy sharing others stories. I will continue to do feature profiles again this year.

My top ten most read blog posts this year were mostly teaching ones funny enough;

  1. What You Need To Know About Toll Etags

  2. Maths Warm-Ups For K-6

  3. My Favourite Fonts For The Classroom

  4. Motivating Students - How To Build Excitement For Learning

  5. True Self Profile - Marj

  6. Events For Hosting Your Own School Mini Olympics

  7. Powerful Songs For When You Are Feeling Weak

  8. True Self Profile - Krista

  9. Traveller Profile - Nikola

  10. Top Tips For Travelling On Sleeper Trains

Where you can find my work

I continued to upload my travel photos on the Pexel website, for people to download and use for free. This was very successful with my photos gaining 2.74 million views and 37.5 thousand downloads.

Thank you to all those who have read one or more of my blog posts. Thank you for your comments, encouragement and for joining me on this ride. I am looking forward to sharing more of myself in 2022 on my Laura The Explaura blog.

Where in the world are you reading this post from? What did you enjoy reading this year? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.