Where To Start With Online Learning For Teachers

Getting your head around how to be a teacher in a classroom environment can be tricky enough but now we are faced with the challenge of how to teach while our students are in their homes and the only way we can see them is through the latest zoom session.

So if you too are locked down like us in Sydney, and you are not sure even where to start, I have gathered some online tutorials to help you set up the basics. Whether you are using Seesaw or Google Classroom.


If you are not a tech-head, not up with all the latest technology and how it works for online learning or new to it all, then watch these quick videos to give you some know-how;

  • Using the Drive App to Create a Google Doc from printed materials here

  • How to use Seesaw here

  • How to use Google Classroom beginners guide here

  • How to make interactive lessons using PowerPoint here

  • Create a JamBoard here

  • Using TEAMS here

  • How to use ZOOM meetings here

  • Marking attendance on Google Classroom here

So no need to feel stuck, there is always support out there and people more than willing to help. How are you coping in lockdown? Let us know what is working for you. We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.