Creative Classroom Incentives: Fostering Positive Behaviours

Creating a positive learning environment is essential for student success in every classroom. One effective way to encourage positive behaviours is through incentives and rewards. By acknowledging and celebrating good conduct, teachers can consistently inspire students to exhibit desirable behaviours.

These are ones I have tried in my classroom that bring excitement and transform the classroom dynamics.

  1. Secret Student: This strategy adds an element of surprise and excitement to the classroom. At the beginning of each day or week, select a "Secret Student" whose identity remains anonymous. Observe and reward the chosen student for demonstrating positive behaviours throughout the day or week. At the end of the designated period, reveal the Secret Student and celebrate their exemplary conduct. Make sure to keep a record of who you have chosen so it is shared around.

  2. Light System: Implement a colour-coded light system to represent students' behaviour visually. For instance, green indicates excellent behaviour, yellow signifies a warning, and red indicates a need for improvement. By incorporating this system, students can easily track their behaviour and strive to maintain a green light status. This does have positives though can easily become just ‘another thing you have to do’ and the fact it is on show for all students and guests to the room to see makes this one I would only use in certain situations.

  3. Caught You Being Good: Encourage students to seek out and recognize positive behaviours in their peers actively. When a student observes another exhibiting exemplary conduct, they can nominate them for a "Caught You Being Good" award. This fosters a culture of mutual respect and encourages students to appreciate each other's efforts which also builds the team and community spirit between the students.

  4. Raffle Tickets: Introduce a raffle ticket system where students earn tickets for displaying positive behaviours such as participation, kindness, or academic achievements. At the end of each week or month, hold a raffle draw where students can redeem their tickets for exciting prizes or privileges. Create a list of these privileges to share so your students know what they are working towards. The drum roll prior to drawing out names is the best bit!

  5. Dojo Points: Utilize classroom management platforms like ClassDojo to award students with points for positive behaviours and accomplishments. Customize the point system to align with specific goals and behaviours you wish to reinforce. Let your students individualism their Dojo and students can track their progress and strive to earn incentives based on their accumulated points. You can also share the results with parents to create an open dialogue between home and school

  6. Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces Together: Use a jigsaw puzzle analogy to transform teamwork and collaboration into a rewarding experience. Each time the class collectively demonstrates positive behaviours, reward them with a puzzle piece. As the puzzle comes together, celebrate their collaborative efforts and offer a special class-wide reward once it is complete. Get creative with your puzzle or keep it content theme related.

Incorporating these innovative incentives into your classroom can significantly enhance student engagement, motivation, and overall behaviour. However, the most effective incentive systems are tailored to suit your students' unique dynamics and needs.

We invite you to share your experiences and additional ideas for incentivizing positive behaviours in the comments below. What works best for your class? Let's cultivate a culture of positivity and achievement in our classrooms!