End Of Year Gifts For Teachers

It is never to early to get started on your Christmas shopping list.

Once lockdown is over, I can imagine the shops are going to be insanely busy. People will be everywhere, stock will be running low and you will have to settle with something you really don’t want to buy.

So buying online, with no pressure of time for delivery, may be the way to go to get on top of things now.


Whether you are buying for a teacher friend or your children’s teacher, here is my go to list of beautiful gifts they will adore…

While it is never expected or compulsory, it is hard to not recognise the support your child’s teacher has given this year. Don’t underestimate how hard teachers work. Even though they are only employed for the hours of 9 - 3, there is much of their own time spent, of an early morning, late at night and weekends they are busy preparing, marking, assessing and endless meetings.

Do you have any other great ideas for teachers? Or know of any great small businesses we should support? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.