Laura The Explaura

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How To Motivate Your Teaching Team

If you are in a leadership position you will understand the difficult position of keeping your teaching team motivated and enthused as the year goes on. With all the extra commitments besides the teaching day such as duties, special groups, assessing, contacting parents etc, it is possible that teachers can become negative and overwhelmed.

So to prevent disengagement in your team I encourage you to;

  • Use your team meetings as a pick me up - provide lollies, do a circle time activity, have an incentive such as ending the meeting five minutes early

  • Place encouraging or thank you notes in their pigeon holes as a surprise

  • Complete any additional professional learning together if possible

  • Organise a classroom walkthrough often to get ideas from other rooms or ask teachers to bring a student work sample they are proud of to your team meetings

  • Send out Monday motivation emails with a quote or meme

  • Offer to cover distressed teachers duty

  • Organise a coffee van for Friday mornings

  • Go for Friday afternoon drinks as a team to debrief about the week

Teacher wellbeing is critical to be taken into consideration. We want our teachers to be in a good headspace to face each day and to fulfil their responsibilities. We also want teachers to feel appreciated and feel a sense of purpose in their job. Have you tried any of the above ideas? What works for you and your team?

How do you keep your team motivated without overwhelming them? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.